Showing 7 Result(s)

Killing with Kindness: The Apex Judiciary


Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase Background: [1] In 1975, the Punjab government issued a notification sub-classifying 25% of Scheduled Caste (SC) reservations into two categories, reserving half of these seats for Balmikis and Mazhabi Sikhs. This notification remained in force for nearly 31 years until it faced legal hurdles in 2004. In 2004, the Supreme Court’s …


“I am ready to go. I have no fear”: Chhatrapati Shahu


“I am ready to go. I have no fear.”— Chhatrapati Shahu (A reply to Abhinav Chandrachud regarding the chapter on Chhatrapati Shahu in his book  ‘These seats are reserved’. ) Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase “In fact, there is evidence that the British might have provoked Shahu to take strong actions against the Brahmins in Kolhapur …


Babasaheb and Frances Fitzgerald’s Relationship: ‘Becoming Babasaheb’ presents more speculation than evidence


Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase The author Aakash Singh Rathore claims in his book ‘Becoming Babasaheb’ that Ambedkar did seriously consider marrying Frances Fitzgerald. (Page 144/388 Kindle edition) The references given by the author for his claims are some WordPress websites ( which we will explore below. 1) As per this site, Frances Fitzgerald died …


The Lovers of Democracy


Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase   One vote, One value: Hurrah hurrah In the middle of the night Tell this to a burning raped corpse of a Dalit girl   Of the people, By the people, For the people: Hurrah hurrah In the deep pit of Brahmnical gutters Tell this to the suffocated sanitation worker   …