Showing 12 Result(s)

Karnataka elections and Dalits

mangesh dahiwale

  Mangesh Dahiwale Karnataka boasts of 23 percent population of Dalits, but the Dalit led party BSP could win only one seat and its vote share is just 0.4 percentage. The Dalit votes got divided not only in Karnataka, but also in Tripura recently where the Dalits constitute 17 percent of the total population. The …


Guru’s ‘Ethics in Ambedkar’s Critique of Gandhi’: An exercise in rhetoric

mangesh dahiwale

  Mangesh Dahiwale Gopal Guru is an erudite scholar and a political scientist of high reputation. His command over political theories is a sign of his scholarship. However the above-mentioned essay lacks erudition and academic neutrality. His language is full of clichés and oftentimes meanders to become illegible and confusing. The essay in question is …