Showing 40 Result(s)

Killing with Kindness: The Apex Judiciary


Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase Background: [1] In 1975, the Punjab government issued a notification sub-classifying 25% of Scheduled Caste (SC) reservations into two categories, reserving half of these seats for Balmikis and Mazhabi Sikhs. This notification remained in force for nearly 31 years until it faced legal hurdles in 2004. In 2004, the Supreme Court’s …


Beyond Boundaries: Strengthening Transgender Lives in India

Ganesh Pandit Introduction In Indian mythology, transgender individuals were highly regarded. However, in recent centuries, the transgender community has faced challenges. One contributing factor has been television, which has quickly influenced people’s perspectives. Nineteenth-century Bollywood films portrayed transgender people disrespectfully, leading to a change in society’s view of them and affecting the present generation. In …


Public statement against denial of reservation in Calicut University

Round Table India Calicut University must give immediate appointments to Dalit candidates as per reservation norms, based on the verdict of the Honourable Supreme Court and the order of Kerala State Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Dr. T.S. Syamkumar, Dr. Tara, and Dr. Suresh Kumar Puthanparambil lost their chances of getting appointed as …


Request to Supreme Court: Please don’t issue 41-A CRPC notice to the accused for the offences under SC ST POA

To, THE HON’BLE CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA, SUPREME COURT OF INDIA TILAK MARG, NEW DELHI-110001 EMAIL – Subject: Request to Direct the Home Ministries/ Police Department of the State governments, High Courts and District Judiciary not to issue or entertain the applications for giving 41-A CRPC notice for the offences under the section of …


Reservation is not a Poverty Alleviation Program but a Weapon for Social Justice

Vikas Parasram Meshram Much has been written on the split decision of the Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court upholding reservation for economically weaker sections; therefore, it is unnecessary to repeat it. Only one point needs to be highlighted: there was no disagreement in the constitution bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court regarding economic …


Reservation for Justice and Representation vs Reservation as a Political Tool

Dr Santhosh J. The Supreme Court’s verdict on the validity of the 103rd constitutional amendment or the 10% quota for the ‘poor’ among the so-called upper castes, instead of answering questions, raises many more further questions. The 3:2 majority verdict, at its core, fails to logically explain how the policy, which is individual centric and …