Showing 6 Result(s)


abhilasha bharti

  Abhilasha Bharti I woke up in the middle of the night and here I’m writing this. Writing because I realized that I haven’t slept in the first place, and was half-awake thinking, analyzing many things. To name a few, for now: people, thought processes, society, etc. Yet, the topic which was overpowering everything else …


Silence of Solidarity

abul azad 2

  Abul Kalam Azad (I would like to thank Nidhin whose brilliant article has prodded me to thread my thoughts into this piece) “An untouchable to a hindu is an untouchable to a muslim”, Dr.B.R Ambedkar. Throughout my life, I have always been enticed and engulfed by silence- the silence of unrequited love, the silence …