Showing 106 Result(s)

Religion, Ethics and Kinship: On Dr B.R Ambedkar’s Path to Conversion

Abdul Najeeb Noorul Ameen The American philosopher Abi Doukhan makes an interesting observation in her book on the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. She states that the word ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos. The ethos pertains to the customs and principles of a society. The concept of the ethical refers to those actions …


Hegemony of Sexual Violence

Bobby Kunhu While, sexual intercourse in dominant discourse is located foundationally within a heterosexual patriarchal paradigm and rape is a violent extension of the same. The act is deeply orchestrated by existing hegemonies that define the society in which it is enacted. This is the reason that women’s bodies and sexualities are often primary targets …


Words Of The Ordained Women

dr amritpal kaur

Dr Amritpal Kaur ‘What becometh a woman best, and first of all? SILENCE. What second? SILENCE. What third? SILENCE. What fourth? SILENCE. Yea, if a man should aske me till Domes daie I would still crie Silence, Silence… ‘ –   Thomas Wilson, The Arte of Rhetorique, 1560. Women have long been expected to govern their …


Sanghi agenda: Religious polarisation among Adivasi communities

  Chhotelal Kumar The Adivasi is frequently mistaken as a “noble savage” who leads a primitive lifestyle. His social and cultural traditions are perceived as unsophisticated and based on superstitions. In central India, tribals have their own religions, the most notable of which is Sarna, followed by Adivasis of Chotanagpur, and Koyapun, followed by Gonds …


Hands off my rights!

Nourin N K   Hands off my rights! Like the damaged headlight Of my neighbour’s rickshaw, At first, My country flickered In deadly saffron, Was it a warning? Are we all dead? No! No! No! I see a living ghost, Hovering over Hopeless future. Gates closed, crowds gathered, But you are still too weak to …


Buddhist Sangha — an embodiment of gender neutrality

new kaur

  Dr Amritpal Kaur  When an ideology for restructuring of human nature and society becomes a religious cult, it not only loses its spirit of rationality and political relevance but its professional representatives also degenerate into mere religious organizations. It then becomes impossible for such a psycho-social philosophy to maintain its effectiveness, particularly in the …