Showing 16 Result(s)

Independence from Caste!

milind thokal

Milind Thokal Anniversaries are occasions for remembrance and renewal: these are the stock taking moments, we must introspect our achievements and failures. On this day we must ask ourselves whether we are truly Independent? Does this Independence belong to all of us equally? Has this Independence unfolded its wings to the lower strata of our …


Assessment of Health and Economic Status of Adivasis during COVID-19 Crisis

john kujur

John Kujur The pandemic COVID-19 has wreaked an unprecedented health crisis and subsequently led to socio-economic instability across the world. The impact of the pandemic is perceived to be pernicious for every person irrespective of caste, class, sex, religion, race etc. However, the burden of such crises is often shifted to the vulnerable sections of …


Save Nation! Save Constitution!!

4th march

  On March 4, 2020, hundreds of Dalit, Adivasi, Muslim and Christian minority groups and leaders from different parts of India assembled in the country’s capital to condemn and peacefully protest the imposition of unconstitutional Citizenship Amendment Act through the implementation of the NRC and NPR, countrywide. The BJP’s election manifesto in the general elections …


Mockery of Electoral System in Central University of Gujarat

vinod and hawaldar

  Vinod Kumar & Hawaldar Bharti Student movements in general, and students’ union election system in particular, have systematically been made non-effective through various government rulings by several electoral reform committees, particularly Lyngdoh Committee recommendations. In most of the Universities either there is no system of student representatives who can raise their voice for the …


Becoming Minority- An Unsettling Inquiry into a ‘Settled’ Concept

Bhakti Deodhar

  Bhakti Deodhar (Book review of Becoming minority: How Discourses and Policies Produce minorities in Europe and India, edited by Jyotirmay Tripathi and Sudarshan Padmanabhan, New Delhi, Sage Publications 2014.) At a time when its attitude towards internal and external religious minorities poses an intractable predicament for the Indian government in the gaze of the …