Showing 9 Result(s)

`Rasa’ theory and Subversion of Muslim imaginaries in Malabar

Umar Nizar  The culinary crafting of Bharata’s `rasa’ theory has been established so much so that it is even compared to the South Indian spice soup called `rasam’ which is a cocktail of spicy, sweet, tangy and sour flavours. `Rasa’ depends on the sue generic creation of emotion. `Vibhavaanubhavavyabhicharisamyogit rasa nischpatti’ is the famous rasa …


Being Chrisanghi is being Casteist

Naveen Prasad Alex Who is a Chrisanghi Chrisanghis is a term that recently came into use for Syrian Christians who share with sections from other religious groups the common hatred of Muslims, predominantly in Kerala. Efforts by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to increase their stake in Kerala’s legislative …


Some Animals Are More Equal: Article 14

Bobby Kunhu “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past” – George Orwell, 1984 “If a larger country oppresses a smaller country, I’ll stand with the smaller country. If the smaller country has majoritarian religion that oppresses minority religions, I’ll stand with minority religions. If the minority religion has …


Islamophobia and Incarceration

shahdab perumal

Shahdab Perumal Islamophobia hovers around the ‘anxiety of Muslim violence’. This anxiety of Muslim violence constantly reproduces Islamophobia. It enables rigorous scrutiny of Muslim everyday life and political control of Muslims. The central question the author explores through this article is how this anxiety of Muslim violence warrants sedition charges on Muslims, with special reference …


Why Not Janeu Under My Kurta?

Rahmath EP

  Rahmath EP Lipstick Under My Burkha is a ‘by the Brahmin for the Brahmin’ movie to propagate the Savarna definition of the ‘oppressed women’. The whole movie gives you a clear picture of the story of women’s assertion on their personal and sexual liberation through brahminical patriarchal narration filled with Islamophobia by projecting Muslim …


The Hindu-Muslim Love Story

Karthick RM

  Karthick RM “If you accept to play the games by the rules set up by those who own or control the board, you will always lose.”– Jean-Paul Sartre Surprisingly, a writer for in a recent article asked a very pertinent question – “Why doesn’t the violence against Dalits incite liberal fury, as does …


Red is a Darker version of Saffron

abdullah rahul sanjana

  Abdullah Rahman, Rahul Meenakshi & Sanjana Krishnan ‘Kiss of Love’ and the Islamophobic Undercurrent of the Movement The famous case of Downtown restaurant in Calicut that was vandalised by Bharatiya Janta Yuva Morcha (BJYM) on 24th October, 2014 for allegedly promoting immoral activities is now a nationwide furore. The goons of the BJP’s youth wing …