Showing 9 Result(s)

Dalit Assertion in the State of Gujarat

Satish Parghi In the vibrant tapestry of Gujarat’s socio-political landscape, a significant and powerful movement has emerged— Dalit assertion. Rooted in a history of discrimination and social marginalization, this movement represents the collective voice of Gujarat’s Dalit community striving for equality, justice, and the recognition of their inherent dignity. This article delves into the historical …


Bhimsongs: The Ambedkarite Popular Culture

Vaibhav Kharat A song composed or sung on Babasaheb Ambedkar is called Bhimgeet in Marathi and Bhimsongs in English. Bhimgeet, or Bhimsongs, are also known as Jaibhim geet/songs or Ambedkar geet/songs. Ambedkar’s work, his thoughts, his political and social philosophy, and his lived experiences are presented through these songs. Today, thousands of Bhimsongs are available …


‘We will do a Chunduru on you!’


Desecration of Ambedkar statues: Truth is the first casualty (Part II) Continued from here.  In this concluding part on the issue of desecration of Dr Ambedkar’s statues in Andhra Pradesh, G Jhansi, of Dalit Sthree Sakthi,  maps for us the morphing forms of atrocities on dalit assertions. In her analytical narrative of the complex caste …


“I am not a slave and don’t make me a slave”- Annan Pasupathi Pandian, a tribute


  Ravi Chandran (With editorial suggestions from Kuffir) This article is an attempt to bring together information about the Dalit revolutionary leader Pasupathi Pandian, who was brutally murdered a couple of days ago (January 10, 2012). Since only bits and pieces of news material is available on him, I tried to gather some information from the …