
Exploring Ambedkar and Gadge Baba Interaction through Aristotelian Lens

Aniruddha Mahajan The month of December commemorates the death anniversaries of two leading social reformers and anti-caste crusaders in India – Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and Sant Gadge Baba. While a considerable number of studies and discussions have examined the groundbreaking contributions of these two prominent figures in both global and regional contexts, the nature …


Ennore Gas Leak: Silenced Voices – a Fight for Environmental Justice

Sindu Deivanayagam December 2nd, 2024 marked the 40th anniversary of the Bhopal gas tragedy, a disaster whose devastating impact continues to affect people to this day. This year also marks the first anniversary of the Ennore gas leak. On the night of December 26th 2023, as Ennore was already grappling with the effects of the …


Solving “The Muslim Problem” – a liberal Hindu POV

Kanaga Varathan Members of BCP “Bachelor’s club of Parthasarathipuram” have assembled in their society hall for a monthly review meeting on a second Saturday as usual. Today’s agenda was to discuss the statement the club intended to release as part of their golden jubilee celebration.  Members of the club were deeply concerned by various violent …


The Commercialization of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Legacy: A Closer Look at the Trend in Indian Cinema and Television

Swapnil Sunil Gangavane In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in films and television serials in India dedicated to the life and struggles of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a towering figure in Indian history and the principal architect of the Indian Constitution. While these productions are ostensibly created to honor Ambedkar’s legacy and shed …


Catherine Liu on the ideological shifts in U.S. academia

Pradnya Garud In part 2 of her interview, Catherine Liu discusses the ideological shifts in U.S. academia after 1968 and its role in manufacturing elite consensus. She examines the rise of liberal authoritarianism and its failure to deliver material gains for the working class. Towards the end, Professor Liu traces the emergence of trauma in …


Resistance and Self-Sustenance: The Heartbeat of Vyasarpadi

Sindu and Apeksha

Sindu Deivanayagam and Apeksha Singegol Whether it is village or an urban setting, the system always functions in a hierarchical set up. A marginalized person, especially a Dalit, has to keep finding ways to survive and sustain. Even though urbanization and cities have created a mirage of anonymity that should serve some protection, that same …


Manipur: A Nation’s Silent Spectacle of Murder, Betrayal, and Neglect

Nonglik Claire Asem Imagine a photograph of a child cradled on his mother’s lap, a fleeting moment of innocence captured in a world falling apart. Now imagine that same child, not days later, found lifeless — shot in the knee and stabbed in the chest. This is not fiction. This is Manipur. This is India’s …


“Kondal”: A Groundbreaking Action Thriller from Kerala’s Fishing Community

Ibin Nayakam  Every social activist in Kerala’s fishing community was talking about a new action movie last month: debutant director Ajith Mampally’s “Kondal”. The director, himself from the fishing community, has made a significant mark with this film, not just for the Malayali mainstream but for a global audience. This week, the movie was released …