Showing 8 Result(s)

Project Heartland 4: Milk and Caste

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  Pratik Parmar Project Heartland captures the struggle of people from marginalised communities, mainly Dalits in Gujarat. It shows the courage and determination of Dalit women and men to assert for their rights despite all odds. By capturing these stories of struggle, Project Heartland wants these brave people to be known, recognised and be seen …


Project Heartland 2: Meet the men who started the Una movement

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  Pratik Parmar Project Heartland captures the struggle of people from marginalised communities, mainly Dalits in Gujarat. It shows the courage and determination of Dalit women and men to assert for their rights despite all odds. By capturing these stories of struggle, Project Heartland wants these brave people to be known, recognised and be seen as inspiration to …


Project Heartland

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  Pratik Parmar Project Heartland captures the struggle of people from marginalised communities mainly Dalits in Gujarat. It shows the courage and determination of Dalit women and men to assert for their rights despite all odds. By capturing these stories of struggle, Project Heartland wants these brave people to be known, recognised and be seen …