Trading pearls for sand[i]: BJP and the Panchamasali reservation struggle ಛಲಬೇಕುಶರಣಂಗೆ, ಪರಧನವನೊಲ್ಲೆನೆಂಬ;ಛಲಬೇಕುಶರಣಂಗೆ, ಪರಸತಿಯನೊಲ್ಲೆನೆಂಬ;ಛಲಬೇಕುಶರಣಂಗೆ, ಪರದೈವವನೊಲ್ಲೆನೆಂಬ;ಛಲಬೇಕುಶರಣಂಗೆ, ಲಿಂಗಜಂಗಮಒಂದೇಎಂಬ;ಛಲಬೇಕುಶರಣಂಗೆ, ಪ್ರಸಾದದಿಟವೆಂಬ;ಛಲವಿಲ್ಲದವರಮೆಚ್ಚನಮ್ಮಕೂಡಲಸಂಗಮದೇವ. Fortitude is needed for the Sharana (devotee) to declare: “I don’t want another’s wealth” Fortitude is needed for the Sharana to declare: “I don’t desire another’s wife” Fortitude is needed for the Sharana to declare: “I will not believe …
Trading pearls for sand: BJP and the Panchamasali reservation struggle