Showing 9 Result(s)

Kabali has roared: Why BAPSA was the real winner of the JNU student polls

panel bapsa

  Dhrubo Jyoti I have never been a big fan of presidential-style debates or Jawaharlal Nehru University. The former almost always reduces social justice to grandstanding and the number of hunger strikes while the latter takes itself too seriously as the citadel of equality, never mind the festering casteism, sexism and homophobia. Therefore, when I …


Caste and LGBT

Manish Gautam

  Manish Gautam Lately, I have been engaged in many discussions on online forums on the questions of caste and on the issues of being queer. The two topics, however, are discussed at their respective platforms, though it would be wrong to say that the two never overlap. This write-up is partly inspired from Sumit …