Showing 19 Result(s)

Jotiba Phule and Dr. Ambedkar: Understanding their connection

Jotiba Phule and Dr.Ambedkar: Understanding their connection (Part-I) Speaking on the occasion of his Diamond Jubilee celebrations, Dr. Ambedkar remarked:  “I am a devotee of Gautam Buddha, Kabir and Mahatma Phule and worshiper of learning, self-respect and character.” [1] Out of his three gurus, he had explicitly written about his connection with Buddha and Kabir. …


Paean for Dr. G. N. Saibaba

Chanchal Kumar In the recent news about dear departed Father Stan Swamy, it has been concluded that there indeed was a conspiracy to frame him. There has been conclusive evidence that incriminating content was planted in his device in order to criminalise him. Father Stan Swamy was even refused a sipper in his final days …


In Memory of Sant Ramanand Ji

ram ahirwar 2019

Ram Dayal Ahirwar Political and social theorists are in support of subaltern theoretical development in India as an emancipatory project for the socially, religiously, gender-wise, and regionally marginal. But within the strand of Dalit politics, there are lots of contestations, there are independents, groups of activists and public intellectuals who have problematic dispositions towards words …


The Fish Milk of Kindness


  Umar Nizar In the mess bill that is religiously brought out every month by JNU’s Jhelum hostel, there is an outstanding amount of Rs.5200 against the name of J.Muthukrishanan. This is the sum that he owes the ‘nation.’ It is a bad education loan, given in kind, and extracted pitilessly. The research scholar’s relationship …

Educate, Agitate, Organize

Critical Analysis of Indian Historians’ Writings on Buddhism – Part 2


  Ratnesh Katulkar Continued from here. It was during the Mauryan period, particularly at the time of Asoka, that India reached its zenith. There was an advanced stage of development in the field of architecture (which is visible in the remains of the Asokan inscriptions), science and technology, literature, administration and above all the emergence …


हिन्दू भगवानो को परेशान मत कीजिये, रविदास बुद्ध कबीर से मार्गदर्शन लीजिये


  Sanjay Jothe परम संत रविदास का नाम ही एक अमृत की बूँद के जैसा है. जैसे भेदभाव, छुआछूत और शोषण से भरे धर्म के रेगिस्तान में अपनेपन, समानता और भाईचारे की छाँव मिल जाए. जैसे कि प्यास से तडपते हुए आदमी को ठंडा पानी मिल जाए. ऐसे हैं संत रविदास. इनकी जितनी तारीफ़ की …


विदेशों में बुद्ध और कबीर क्यों, राम और तुलसी क्यों नहीं?


  संजय जोठे (Sanjay Jothe)  सनातनी षड्यंत्रकार जब अध्यात्म और धर्म की व्याख्या करते हैं तब वे चर्चा और प्रचार के लिए अपने पवित्र पुरुषों को नहीं चुनते। वे उन्हें तहखानों में सुरक्षित रखते हैं। धर्म प्रचार शास्त्रार्थ आदि के लिए वे आदि शंकर या तुलसीदास को नहीं चुनते बल्कि वे बुद्ध, गोरख, रविदास और …


Kabirpanth Alive, Kabir Missing


  Musafir Baitha Kabir walked this earth almost 600 years ago, and his ideas have had a tremendous impact. Ours was a feudal society back then. The suffocating traditions of the Hindu religion such as caste differences, blind beliefs and superficial rituals had made the lives of the common people miserable. So overwhelming was their …