Showing 106 Result(s)

Chintu Kumari’s flawed defense of the Left

murali ramathoti

  Murali Ramathoti The essence of Chintu Kumari’s response, that “The left and the Ambedkarite movements need Debate and Unity”, is to say that CPIML Liberation’s (henceforth Liberation) struggle focuses not only on economic lines but on social lines too, i.e. on caste, feudal pride, women’s degradation etc. To justify her argument she narrated the …


The Story of Caste and Indian Campuses

anoop with spectacles

  Anoop Kumar His speech at the talk organised by the Ambedkarite Students’ Association at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, held on 22nd December, 2014. The speech has been transcribed by Valliammal Karunakaran. My name is Anoop and I have been working on the issue of Dalit students in Indian campuses for almost …