Showing 37 Result(s)

Manusmriti: A Threat to Constitutional Values and Social Justice

Ashutosh Singh Boddh (Vidrohi) Recently there was a news that, Delhi University’s Faculty of Law was planning to introduce the Manusmriti, the ancient Sanskrit & Casteist text, in its undergraduate programme under the paper called Jurisprudence (Legal Method), prompting a certain section of faculty members in the varsity to raise concern over the move. In …


Why Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd’s Writing Matters?

rawat ingole

  Akash Kumar Rawat & Prashant Ingole Introduction Recently, the Standing Committee for Academic Affairs of Delhi University had proposed to remove Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd’s books–Why I am not a Hindu: A Shudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, Culture and Political Economy (2005), God as a Political Philosopher: Buddha’s Challenge to Brahminism (2001) and Post-Hindu India: …


The mechanics of choice in the University: From objective evaluation to optimum research

university of delhi

  Niharika & Praem Hidam Among the recent series of onslaughts on public funded universities in the country, coercive implementation of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for entry to Masters and MPhil and PhD research more particularly in the humanities and social sciences has shown a much darker side of the current danger that we all …


Unpartitioned nostalgia

lahore high court pre-independence

  Akshay Pathak ‘Aman ki Asha’, one of the many trendy Indo-Pak peace initiatives, could as well have been the title of a blockbuster from the Chopra brothers. Partition and Reunion as nostalgic themes in the savarna imagination seem tied in an inseparable bond, a sacred thread, to use a metaphor closer home. The piecing …