Showing 42 Result(s)

“I am ready to go. I have no fear”: Chhatrapati Shahu


“I am ready to go. I have no fear.”— Chhatrapati Shahu (A reply to Abhinav Chandrachud regarding the chapter on Chhatrapati Shahu in his book  ‘These seats are reserved’. ) Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase “In fact, there is evidence that the British might have provoked Shahu to take strong actions against the Brahmins in Kolhapur …


Do Brahmins hit and run?

Kuffir Do Brahmins hit and run? Meaning: do Brahmins cause motor accidents and run away? Two recent events say they do. The first event is a film, a work of fiction; the other a real incident which has become stranger than fiction. That’s what triggered these thoughts on accidents. The first narrative refers to the …


Buddha and caste system

buddha and caste

  Bhikku U. Dhammaratana There are some writers who try to depict the Buddha, the Enlightened One, as the teacher of Nibbana who had nothing to do with the affairs of the contemporary society. This is a misrepresentation of the greatest teacher of humanity. It is true that when we think of the Buddha it …