Showing 20 Result(s)

Dalit Scholars Take Anti-caste Movement and Politics from Academia to Villages

Manoj Bag On April 14, people celebrated Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti across the country. Just three days before Ambedkar Jayanti, on April 11, many of those people celebrated Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jayanti in many of the villages in Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, etc. These two days were also celebrated by many students’ organisations in academic institutions …


‘I would differentiate between the Bahujan movement and Bahujan politics’: Prof Vivek Kumar

Prof Vivek Kumar III

  Round Table India Continued from here. This is the second part of the transcription of Round Table India’s interaction with Prof Vivek Kumar, Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, for the Ambedkar Age series of films. In the interview, Prof Vivek Kumar …


UP: Sangh Parivar’s Caste Engineering & the disappearance of liberal Hindutva block


KK Baburaj  “Democracy is a process of becoming. It’s a promise. It’s in the name of that promise that we are able to question and criticize the existing form of democracy.”~ Derrida “Dalit-backward-minority unity” and “Political Power to Bahujan Samaj” were some of the slogans raised by Ambedkarite organisations during the Mandal-Masjid period. There were …


आज़ाद भारत में डॉ. अंबेडकर का विस्तार – साहेब कांशी राम

Satvendra Madara

साहेब कांशी राम के जीवन पर एक संक्षिप्त रेखाचित्र Satvendar Madara (सतविंदर मदारा) भारत में बहुजन इंक़लाब लाने वाले साहब कांशी राम का जन्म 15 मार्च 1934 को उनके नैनिहाल गाँव पिरथी पुर बुंगा साहिब, जिला रोपड़, पंजाब में हुआ था, उनका अपना पैतृक गाँव खुआसपुर, जिला रोपड़ (अब रूपनगर), पंजाब था। उनके पिता का …


In defense of Mayawati

swapnil dhanraj

  Swapnil Dhanraj The Bahujan Samaj Party chief, Mayawati, is not an ordinary woman. She has successfully shouldered her responsibilities of representing the Bahujan Samaj throughout her political career in various ways. The charismatic personality which the BSP chief carries today is not a result of any “media publicity” or false propaganda of serving the …


In Savitribai’s name: Dalit-Bahujan struggle for renaming Pune University

upendra sonpimple

  Upendra Sonpimple Pune University made a major headway for Dalit Bahujan politics through its association with the name of Savitribai Phule – a symbol and source of inspiration for many Dalit-Bahujans in Maharashtra. Renaming universities in the name of social revolutionaries has been an ongoing phenomenon, though not without struggle. It was in 1994 …