Showing 263 Result(s)

Playing the Savior: Hindutva and Muslim Women’s Rights

Bobby Kunhu “Patriarchy is a kind of shirk (or idolatry)… stemming from the Satanic notion of istikbar (thinking of oneself as better than another)….”                                – Amina Wadud, Inside the Gender Jihad: Women’s Reform in Islam Muslim communities, like every other theistic or atheistic social system, are hegemonic and patriarchal. But, in a virulently Muslimophobic world, …


Indian Institutes of Savarnas: Reservation Norms Violated during PhD admission and Faculty Recruitment in IIT/IIMs

pranav jeevan p

Pranav Jeevan P India’s premier higher educational institutions for Engineering and Management, IITs and IIMs, have been violating the constitutionally mandated reservation norms for years. The violations are visible mostly in the PhD admissions and faculty recruitment where there is no centralized exam like JEE, GATE or CAT. The RTIs filed by Ambedkar Periyar Phule …


Reservation for Justice and Representation vs Reservation as a Political Tool

Dr Santhosh J. The Supreme Court’s verdict on the validity of the 103rd constitutional amendment or the 10% quota for the ‘poor’ among the so-called upper castes, instead of answering questions, raises many more further questions. The 3:2 majority verdict, at its core, fails to logically explain how the policy, which is individual centric and …


India faces a ‘very serious’ hunger problem: ranks 107th out of 121 countries in World Hunger Index

Vikas Parasram Meshram Our country, which aspires to be a global leader, is currently suffering from hunger to the point where it ranks lower than neighboring countries Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh in the 2022 Global Hunger Index. According to the report, India is ranked 107th out of 121 countries, while neighboring Pakistan is …


Sterlite Wins Again

Bobby Kunhu “Charles Darwin is wrong: only the closest to the Government will survive” – Ljupka Cvetanova On 18th October, 2022, two reports were tabled before the Tamil Nadu State Assembly, the first report by a Commission of Inquiry headed by Retd. Justice A. Arumaghaswamy looked into the circumstances under which former 68-year-old Chief Minister, …