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It is a massacre: Dr. Kafeel Khan

mrudula bhavani. 1

  Mrudula Bhavani “Religion is something different. Religion is spirituality, religion is humanity. I believe in Allah, that is my personal choice. But I don’t hate anyone. I love all the people who believe in other religions. I respect them. Connecting this to that incident is something bad. “-Dr. Kafeel Ahmed Khan. Dr. Kafeel Khan …


UP: Sangh Parivar’s Caste Engineering & the disappearance of liberal Hindutva block


KK Baburaj  “Democracy is a process of becoming. It’s a promise. It’s in the name of that promise that we are able to question and criticize the existing form of democracy.”~ Derrida “Dalit-backward-minority unity” and “Political Power to Bahujan Samaj” were some of the slogans raised by Ambedkarite organisations during the Mandal-Masjid period. There were …