Showing 10 Result(s)

Project Heartland 4: Milk and Caste

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  Pratik Parmar Project Heartland captures the struggle of people from marginalised communities, mainly Dalits in Gujarat. It shows the courage and determination of Dalit women and men to assert for their rights despite all odds. By capturing these stories of struggle, Project Heartland wants these brave people to be known, recognised and be seen …


MHRD’s Trail of Letters Hounding Dalit Students of UoH


  Round Table India How does Brahmanism operate seamlessly across institutions, political organizations, political parties and the Govt. ministry to hound research students from Dalit communities? How do they work together to manufacture fake ‘anti-national’ narratives to execute social boycott on Dalit students? To get a glimpse of the above processes, please read the trail …


Social Boycott in UoH: The modern university as a caste enforcer

Expelled studelts staying in the shopcom

  Round Table India Babasaheb Ambedkar ~The more common and the more effective weapons is the declaration of complete boycott against the offending Untouchables. The horrors of the boycott, which is merely another name for Gandhi’s ” noncooperation”, can hardly be adequately described. The Committee appointed by the Government of Bombay to inquire into the …


Bhagana’s Dalits Demand Justice in Delhi


Excluded from Society and Victims of State Repression, Dalits Demonstrate in Delhi for Justice Neel Kranti Desk (Translated from Hindi by Gurinder Azad) {youtube}EWHjBCL_m3Q{/youtube} While Delhi and its outskirts are facing 45 degrees temperatures and people are retreating into homes, offices and cars with air-conditioning, Dalits from Bhagana village (Haryana) have reached Delhi covering a …