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Let’s read SFI as ‘Students’ Fascism of India’: Dalit & Muslim Students of Kerala

adhil mediaone

  C Ahamed Fayiz Activists of Inquilab Students Movement were attacked by SFI hooligans at Government College, Madappally, Calicut today. Adhil Ali. A, a first year student who is pursuing BA political science, was brutally attacked by SFI goons. “We were locked up in the principal’s room and prevented from going outside the campus for …


JNU elections & Mulniwasi Bahujans: Self-reliance & Non-dependency as future principles

manisha bangar

  Dr Manisha Bangar NVP BAMCEF JNU elections 2016 and Mulniwasi Bahujan Students’ Organizations: What’s your Direction? What’s your Action plan for 2017 and beyond??? Jai Bhim! Jai Mulniwasi! We are listening to inputs of members of Mulniwasi Bahujan samaj and students organizations like Mulniwasi Vidhyarthi Sangh and many more in the background of the …