Showing 9 Result(s)

Balmikis in Education: A Study of Exclusion and Discrimination

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  Anju Devi Balmiki community is highly discriminated by this society since long. Despite the various government programs which are aimed at the development of this community, discrimination and exclusion continues to be important factors in the low educational status of such marginalised communities. Within a broader discourse of educational attainment of the marginalised communities, …


Remembering Martyr Neelaventhan


  Ravi Chandran and James Michael (For Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes) “Dont call me a victim, I am an immortal…if you have guts bury my body in the middle of the city” – Kalekuri Prasad.  The self-immolation of Arunthathiyar leader Neelaventhan and the brooding silence over it cannot be reduced to an issue of …


Kaushal Panwar: My teacher’s casteism and sexism became my motivation

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  Neel Kranti Media (First published in the ‘Dalit and Adivasi Students’ Portal’ in 2010) Born and brought up in a Haryana village, Dr Kaushal Panwar teaches Sanskrit in Delhi University. Her life is one of the most remarkable testimonies of human grit and determination towards achieving one’s goal despite insurmountable odds. Kindly tell us …