Showing 11 Result(s)

Caste and Urban Marginalization: Exploring the Dynamics through the Lens of ‘Kaala’

Ajinkya Sanjay Khandizod Urbanization and Slum Growth Urbanization has exploded in Indian metropolises over the last few decades. The urbanization degree worldwide is around 57%, whereas in India, it is 34%. According to the U.N. report on World Urbanization Prospects 2018, cities’ population will double by 2050. Between 2014-2018, the slum percentage increased from 23% …


How to turn a murder into suicide: Sumitra Bhave’s ‘Kasav’

rahul gaikwad

Rahul Gaikwad Every now and then one comes across some or the other celebrated so-called progressive leader/writer/activist who turns out to be absolutely shallow, superfluous and even hypocritical upon closer examination. This has been the case with Vijay Tendulkar and his Kanyadaan drama; or Pandit Anand Patwardhan’s Jai Bhim Comrade where he portrayed Ambedkarite assertion …


Who’s your Perfect Dalit Woman?

christina thomas dhanaraj 1

  Christina Thomas Dhanaraj “The oppressor is solidary with the oppressed only when he stops regarding the oppressed as an abstract category and sees them as persons who have been unjustly dealt with, deprived of their voice, cheated in the sale of their labor — when he stops making pious, sentimental, and individualistic gestures and …


Caste Diversity in Indian Development Sector: Does it Exist?

why do you worry about caste

  Karthik Navayan Gramsci uses the analogy of civil society as a system of trenches and redoubts surrounding the state1. All political attempts by the underprivileged classes–castes in Indian context–to overcome the barriers are drowned by the development sector that claims for itself the status of the civil society. Does the civil society, popularly understood …


The Saviour Complex


  Bobby Kunhu “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~ George Orwell. This is an anti-ideological article – not post-ideological – to the limited extent that I am trying to critique grand narratives posturing to save the world. There is a much debated …


Caste Discrimination in Modern Workspaces: The Case of ActionAid India

addressing-dalit-issues dr. sylvia karpagam

  Karthik Navayan This paper attempts to highlight the covert caste practices and discriminatory behaviour of the dominant caste personnel in the top hierarchy of ActionAid bureaucracy in its Indian chapter, wherein the dominant caste members from both Northern and Southern India, with a deep sense of so-called ascriptive superiority endowed by the Hindu scriptures …