Showing 2 Result(s)

Response to ‘Notion Of Freedom And Reality Of Unfreedom’ by Anand Teltumbde


Vaibhav Wasnik [The article ‘Notion of Freedom And Reality Of Unfreedom’ by Anand Teltumbde can be found here. Vaibhav’s response expresses a belief in electoral democracy and the transformative potential of the Indian constitution. Round Table India shall continue to welcome all shades of Dalit and Bahujan opinion] The article by Mr Teltumbde starts off with …


Rich Heritage of Punjabi Dalit Literature and its Exclusion from Histories


Prof. Raj Kumar Hans   Exploring histories of Dalit literature in different languages of India is to encounter the deserts of neglects, silences and exclusions. The ‘Progressive Punjab’ is no exception to this sub-continental reality despite claims that Brahmanical ideology and its resultant social structures had considerably weakened in the Punjab due to the impact …