Showing 81 Result(s)

Condemn ABVP’s disruption of the screening of “Muzaffarnagar baaqi hai”

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  Joint Statement condemning the ABVP disruption of the screening of the film, “Muzaffarnagar baaqi hai-Muzaffarnagar eventually” Montage, the film society of Kirori Mal College in the University of Delhi was screening “Muzaffarnagar Baaqi Hai- Muzaffarnagar Eventually” this afternoon, i.e. August 1, 2015. After about one hour of screening, around 30-40 ABVP workers, who were …


No ghar, so no ghar wapsi

kancha ilaiah

  Kancha Ilaiah The Sangh Parivar is conducting the so-called “ghar wapsi” programmes all over the country. According to a newspaper report, about 8,000 people have been brought back to “ghar” from Christianity in newly formed Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The reconversion of some dalit Christians in Kerala is also widely reported. Nobody knows when …