Showing 7 Result(s)

Poona Pact & a Dalit-CM

dr jas kehal 1

  Dr Jas Simran Kehal Revisiting Poona pact through literature, I was wondering what frame of mind Dr Ambedkar would have been in prior to signing the pact. One needs to have nerves of steel to single-handedly manage that sort of tough bargain while safeguarding interests of the depressed classes. That somber mood was disrupted …


Economic Democracy amidst COVID-19

dr jas simran 2020

Dr Jas Simran Singh Kehal ”So distribution should undo excess, and each man have enough”, King Lear Act IV, Scene I, Shakespeare. If we translate the original text in accordance with the scene, it means “The spoiled man who has everything, who can’t see the misery around him because he doesn’t feel it himself, should …


Caste, Class and Corona

jas kehal

  Dr Jas Simran Singh Kehal ‘Epidemiology is like a bikini; what is revealed is interesting; what is concealed is critical’. This statement by Peter Duesberg, a cancer epidemiologist, at the time of corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic carries significance if we take into account gender, social, economic and demographic inequities in India. With about 500,000 …


What ails Indian Health System?

jas kehal

  Dr Jas Simran Singh Kehal The theme of World Health Day 2019 is Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere. On the 40th anniversary of Alma Ata Declaration, which declared health a human right for all, each United Nations country, including India signed the Astana Declaration in 2018. It endorsed the critical role of primary health …