Showing 4 Result(s)

Dr Ambedkar and Engaged Buddhism

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Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar Introduction It must be mentioned in the beginning that, though Dr Ambedkar took oath in Yeola (in District Nasik of Maharashtra) in 1935 that, though ‘he was born a Hindu, he would not die a Hindu’, and he fulfilled his mission after nearly 21 years, by formally embracing Buddhism on 14th October, …


Institutions and Economic Development

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Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar In the post colonial countries, suffering from pauperized agriculture on the one hand; and, virtual deindustrialization on the other, achieving faster rates of economic growth was naturally a preeminent objective of economic policy. For without substantially increasing, on a sustained basis, the volume of production of agricultural and industrial goods and, making …


Concerns of the Aam Aadmi

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Speech made by Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar, Member Rajya Sabha, on annual Budget 2011-12 Mr. Dy. Chairman Sir, I rise to support the Budget 2011-12. Sir, I congratulate the Finance Minister for presenting an inclusive, growth-oriented and balanced Budget. Sir, Budget is not only a mechanism of allocation of resources, but also an instrument of income …


Inclusive Growth: Why? And How?

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Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar (Maiden speech of Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar, Member of Rajya Sabha, delivered in the House on 4th May, 2010) Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to speak on the Finance Bill in this august House. Sir, it is gratifying that after the global financial crisis of …