Showing 5 Result(s)

Violation of Constitutional Rights of 5 Dalit scholars By University of Hyderabad administration: Fact Finding Report

Expelled students forced to vacate hostels

  Dalit Sthree Sakthi Certain abusive comments in the Facebook and subsequent skirmishes on 3rd and 4th August 2015 led to the expulsion of a few scheduled castes Ph.D scholars of University of Hyderabad and it was alleged that the authorities of the University of Hyderabad had taken unilateral action on a few scholars belonging …


Dalit Sthree Sakthi’s Campaign for Dalit Women and Children’s Rights

dss campaign poster

  Dalit Sthree Sakthi, Andhra Pradesh, is organizing a Dalit Women and Children’s Rights Campaign (Hakkula Chaitanya Yatra) with a 80 member contingent for 10 days on the ‘Rights of Dalit Women and Girl Children’ starting from Ambedkar Statue, Tank Bund, Hyderabad, on 6th December and ends on 15th December at Lakshimpeta of Srikakulam District. During this …


‘We will do a Chunduru on you!’


Desecration of Ambedkar statues: Truth is the first casualty (Part II) Continued from here.  In this concluding part on the issue of desecration of Dr Ambedkar’s statues in Andhra Pradesh, G Jhansi, of Dalit Sthree Sakthi,  maps for us the morphing forms of atrocities on dalit assertions. In her analytical narrative of the complex caste …