Showing 3 Result(s)

Criminalising Adivasi Forest Rights

bhangya bhukya

Bhangya Bhukya After the 13th February 2019 Supreme Court judgment on the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act of 2006 (FRA) there was a nationwide outrage, particularly on social media. But the outrage evaporated soon as the country went into election mood. India is a huge country and things …


‘No Alphabet in Sight’: Understanding Caste Formulations After 1990s

no alphabet in sight

  Understanding caste formulations after 1990s: Review of ‘No Alphabet in Sight: New Dalit Writing from South India’ (This review is a part of the theory course taught by Dr Bhangya Bhukya, Department of Social Exclusion Studies, English and Foreign Languages University) Karthik Navayan Caste is interpreted in different schools of thought in different ways; …


Historian of the Lions


Karthik Navayan ‘Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter’ an African saying tells you. This is the age when indigenous tribes and castes are rewriting their histories. This is the age when new historians, digging deep into the raging conflagrations of untouchability and humiliations of their pasts, are …