Showing 31 Result(s)

The Savarna Bhaskar politics

deepali salve

    Deepali Salve We recently saw Swara Bhaskar’s public display of ‘grihapravesh’ rituals following the norms and traditions of Hinduism. They were presided upon by a Brahmin priest, upholding the systematic exploitation of caste, class and gender.   There is nothing wrong with this religious display – it has been kept alive for the …


The twice born parasite

Dhamma Darshan

Dhamma Darshan Nigam The COVID-19 pandemic has made clearly visible the deep chasm of inequality in the Indian society: it is our Bahujan folks who are suffering the most. However, for the Brahminical media and academia (BMA), their suffering is just a “poverty” issue, they portray that people are suffering just because they are poor. …


RSS’s Hogwash on Ambedkar

Quota Janaeu1

N. Sukumar and Shailaja Menon (The following article is in response to Arun Anand’s (CEO of Indraprastha Vishwa Samvad Kendra, an RSS affiliate) write-up in The Print (online 14th April 2020). We sent a mail on the same day to contest the false claims but there has been no response a week later.) In the …


Who does Rohith belong to?

ravikant kisana

  Ravikant Kisana On 28th January 2020, standup comedian Kunal Kamra walked up to BJP-ally & news anchor Arnab Goswami on the Mumbai-Lucknow Indigo flight and heckled him for a minute on camera. For many a sufferer of Goswami’s bombastic bullying on prime time, this was a moment of apt retribution and karmic justice. For …