Showing 79 Result(s)

Being a Tai-Ahom: The Anti-caste Movement and the Problematics of Self-identification

Arunabh Konwar (This is not a historical observation, just extrapolations on personal experiences and observations.) Over the last couple of years, because of my own limited apparent proximity to some manifestations of the anti-caste movement in university politics in the mainland, I have often felt at loggerheads as to how to identify myself in this …


End Political Reservation

jas simran

Dr Jas Simran Kehal It is said that if we can learn from our mistakes and not let them rob us of our boldness or hope, then we can grow. It was perhaps this boldness which emboldened Dr B R Ambedkar to vigorously pursue the cause of real political representation of the depressed classes after …


Periyar: The Man That He Was!

Gurinder Azad If anyone has left a rich legacy of aggressively challenging Brahmanism, it is our own Periyar. His full name was Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy Nayakar. Periyar means ‘great man’. Bahujan youth today express their aggression and restlessness against the Brahmanical system by sharing quotes of Periyar on social media, and strive to advance the …