Showing 1014 Result(s)

Meeting to support Dalit students in Vardhman Mahavir Medical College

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Meeting to support our students in Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi, and to demand implementation of Prof Mungekar’s Report, at 4.00 p.m., on 22nd September, Saturday, at Sutluj Hostel Mess, JNU (Message from Anoop Kumar, Insight Foundation) Dear Friends, I am writing this note regarding enormous caste discrimination faced by Dalit & Adivasi medical …


Day Long Protest Demanding Justice for Laxmipeta Dalits in New Delhi on 6th September

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On 12th June, in Laxmipeta, Andhra Pradesh, caste hindu villagers attacked Dalit families and brutally murdered 5 Dalits, grievously injuring about 50 others and completely destroying their properties. About 200 Dalit survivors of Laxmipeta massacre are in the National Capital to demand justice and to protest against the insensitivity of the local administration. Please join …