Showing 13 Result(s)

To Your Caste Blindness

Dhamma Darshan

  Dhamma Darshan Nigam This is for those social activists and political analysts who always feel the burden of justice on their shoulders and shout on the streets for democracy, but never make an iota of effort to see caste even once in their imaginations. When they cannot imagine caste then caste based inequalities and …


Ambedkar and his many images

Dhamma Darshan

  Dhamma Darshan Nigam We Dalits, we Ambedkarites, again and again, need to remember what Babasaheb Ambedkar means to us. We shall never get sidetracked from the path and vision which Ambedkar gave to us. ‘Annihilation of Caste’ is the principle which lays a foundation for a society based on equality and justice, and also …