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Partial ownership of the vessel, The second law was clearly revoked by Section 4 of the 28th Decree of the Seventh and Eighth Years of William III. Luxury tax is mostly paid piecemeal, and it is always possible to pay piecemeal, that is, when taxpayers need to buy as much taxable goods as they want. If taxes are imposed on them, the final payment must be borne entirely by the people of the upper class, that is, the smaller part of the annual production, not the larger part of the annual production. Fourth, the implementation of this tax at least makes the businessmen who operate taxable goods subject to frequent visits and hate inspections by tax collectors. If granted according to the Dunting Law, the relief of the burden of national income will not be realized until all the pensioners in that group have died; the number of that group, sometimes 20 or even 30, will be borne by the middle and late deceased.

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