Showing 1021 Result(s)

Jotiba Phule IAS Academy

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(Message from Jotiba Phule IAS Academy, Dhamma Bhoomi, Palwal, Haryana, via Rajkumar Ravana) The constitution prepared by Dr. Ambedkar has not been implemented as most of its provisions remain unattended due to insensitive and unresponsive bureaucracy. A civil service dedicated to the cause of society and capable of transforming unequal and oppressive hierarchies into a perfect …


State level Dnyanpith Exam results declared


Ravindra Pohekar and Kavita Chavan stood first, Vilas Bisen and Dhanashri Jain Second Mumbai: Satyashodhak Degree Examination Committee of Satyashodhak Chhatrapati Dhnyanpith had conducted the state level Satyashodhak Pradnyaj Exam and Krantijyoti Sanvidhan Exam across the state (Maharashtra) on 18 Dec 2011. The results of these examinations were recently declared. In the merit list of …